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Middle East Center

About Our Program

The Middle East Studies degree is designed to provide students with language and cultural competence in the region of the Middle East that can become the foundation for careers in public affairs, public service, business, and many other fields. Students are strongly encouraged to combine the Middle East Studies Major with a major in another discipline so that upon graduation they have acquired a foundation of career-oriented skills as well as a high degree of global competency. 


Information & Announcements

May 1st, 2024

We have been horrified by the unending violence and humanitarian crisis still unfolding in Gaza. While we do not share all the same perspectives on the conflict, the harrowing images emerging from Israel and Gaza have shocked our collective conscience.
All year, our Middle East Center has sought to facilitate hard, serious conversations necessary to bring about sustainable change. We’ve brought world-class faculty to Utah. We’ve built a curriculum and a culture deeply grounded in the history, languages, and injustices of the region. We’ve given a platform to rigorous, hard-hitting scholars who’ve been able to navigate these complexities and nuances with integrity.
We’ve given our students the space and guidance to wrestle with the big questions that define this seemingly intractable conflict. Instead of accelerating into confrontation, we’ve done the slow, methodical, incremental work of education. 
And we’ve built a curriculum and a culture on the foundation that peace is not a slogan; that it takes hard work, and intense self-reflection; that it can only be attained by asking ourselves what rights and freedoms we must accord each other in order to safeguard our own. 
This is the continuing mission of the Middle East Center at the University of Utah.


Middle East Center News & Events

Last Updated: 6/6/24